Wallets or purses, usually made of genuine leather or imitation leather, are used to store coins and bills, as well as various paraphernalia and documents such as an ID card, driver’s license, credit cards and more.
Wallet category classification
Purses or purses are small bags that mostly hold money. Banknotes or coins can be stored and transported in it.
If you distinguish a wallet from a wallet today, the wallet does exactly the same job. This means that most people these days also carry things like identification papers or credit cards in their purse. The forerunner of the wallet was the wallet, which has almost completely disappeared due to the increased use of paper money.
designs and materials
Purses come in a variety of designs and styles. The materials from which they are made can also vary widely. The most common is probably the manufacture of various plastics and leathers. A distinction is also made between purses for men and women. they exist
- in the classic form
- also as an elongated wallet
- as Oma Purs in the semi-circular shape with a metal clasp.
It is usually carried in one of the back pockets or in the inside pocket of suits and jackets. Women usually keep their wallets in their purses. Of course, a wallet should always be carried on the body, which is not visible from the outside, to prevent theft.